as one of the main sponsors of The Track Novel series!
Founded in 2001, we are a forward thinking brand made to express the art of the streets, through a unique representation of culture found in skateboarding, music and urban lifestyle. We have devoted ourselves not only to our brand, but also giving back to our communities by supporting the local talents. Our strong root is what drove us to create a clothing of the highest quality, while being true to ourselves and the streets.
Connectic, as a form of movement. The energy built within individuals goes a long way. Motivation and power to perform, do and act. React, stack ways in which we empower ourselves. A dense style in a dense setting, we as Connetic figures stand through this age of time. During the time of crisis and problematic basis, we base our thought off our instincts. Intelligence in the books, intelligence in the urban field. We eat meals based days going by, representing what we got as a foundation for our life. We strive to survive in twisted surroundings, no where to go, but we still shift out of it. Once we start rolling, there's no twisting back. We stay stacked and racked, once its pushed and moved, we re-rack.
Staying intact is our taste, we waste and re-base the trace with doubt aside. Live life with inevitable struggles, but we live and let learn and buckle up for a thriller. Den in and find our niche, rewire and find find in the culture based off our Connetic progress. Digress isn't the goal, the future is in transformation. We change dramatically and strategically, we repeatedly find lethal accessibility in our own abilities. We use our own utilities to grow and develop inevitably, finding meaning in our stamina for self-fertility.
From the ROOTS up, process is our key and we move kinetically, metaphysically we transcend your dumb gone technicalities. We swallow it and suck it back down with n laxatives, can't budge us even if your tackling us with your forceful antics. Connetic, energetic, and dynamic, find time with us and we'll keep pushing.
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